Brantford, ON

What Can I Do For You?

I am here to help you figure it all out: what direction to go in, where to start, and where to go from here.

A. Just starting a business? Not sure what social media accounts to use specifically for your business? Don’t know where to start in regards to a website, what platform or service to use? Need help with a plan moving forward?

B. Already have a business? You have the branding, social media and website? Things started out great but have hit a plateau or come to a complete halt? Not sure why things are not working and don’t know where to go from here?

I can help! But how?

Whether you’re A or B, I would start off with a marketing consultation. This is a chance to learn more about you, your business, and your current challenges. We can discuss what you’ve tried and what has or hasn’t worked, your overall goals, what you aspire to achieve and why.  From there, I give you my suggestions, recommendations and ideas. I can also come up with a plan moving forward, help you with designing a logo, or with creating a website.

What is the process?

Once you have confirmed you would like to do a marketing consultation we will then book a day and time to “meet”. This can be in person if your are local, over the phone, through Skype or an online meeting. I would allocate 1 hour of your time for this.

During our session, I will ask you questions that will help me get to know you and your business better.

The questions will be on the topics of your:

  • Branding
  • Current and past marketing efforts
  • Target audience
  • Objectives & Vision
  • Competitors

Once I feel I have all the info, I then dig deeper into the answers you provided me. I spend time looking at your current branding, user experience, audience, competitors, and whatever else I think is relevant.

I then will put together a “report” that includes my findings through my research and testing, my short and long term suggestions along with tips, and resources that you could do yourself (if you wanted to).

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